torsdag 26. november 2009

School's out for summer!

Arnold Kizito with his term card, ready for the holidays

School's out for summer and today we went to Namiryango junior boys' school to pick up Charles' two boys; John Lawrian, 10 years, and Arnold Kizito,7 years, who are in primary 1 and primary 4 . They live at school three months each term, having three weeks at home between terms. This time however since it is the end of year and summer holidays they get to stay at home for two months! Hooray:)

Empty dorm. Imagine what it looks like when it's filled with students!

Carrying the mattress to the car

We packed and picked up all their belongings from the dorm rooms, filled up the car and drove back to Kisubi,

Tormod carrying more luggage to the car

Hooray! We're going home:)

stopping on the way to get some ice cream to celebrate:)

Banana split heaven

Yesterday I went to Budo for the annual Christmas lunch for teachers and students.

It was very nice, and very hot.
It is a tradition that the teachers and the headmaster serve the students and I joined in with the others, serving cabbage and peanut sauce to hungry students (and staff).

Happy holidays!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Nå er jeg klar for Zanzibarferie!

  2. Takk for alle fine oppdateringer. Tror du/dere fortjener ferie! (Vi er på Jæren/Obrestadland denne helga; Regn, Hav og Himmel!)
