class of 2009
It was a great event:) We marched- with a band in front: the police even stopped the traffic so we could cross the main road and parade through the nearby trading center, and we watched the children perform plays, traditional dances, sing songs and read poetry. They were truly wonderful performances.
After the official celebrations-that lasted 8 hours (!) we went out to dinner with the Kanema`s and their graduate son to celebrate.
Charles,Winnie and the boys at Lake Vic
A part from this it’s been fairly quiet around here the past couple of weeks. I’ve been sick so have not been able to do much. But I am better now and hope to do some fun and useful things before heading off to Zanzibar on Friday.
Oh, and yesterday we discovered the reason behind our printer’s sudden erratic behavior; a family of (very large) cockroaches has been (might still be) living inside it! (The discovery led to rather erratic behavior on our part..) but the problem is now solved as Charles came to the rescue and took the printer home with him.. Sadly Tormod’s efforts to document the incident were in vain as he forgot to insert the memory card before snapping away. Oh well.
I don’t think we really do need a printer anyway.. At least not one with alien life forms in it.
Gilbert is very proud of his brother
Tormod and the kids
Det var en flott barnehagefest, skikkelig stilig!
SvarSlettSnakk om høytidelig feiring! Den gutten kan mer enn å si "Ha det bra!"