It has been a great first week in Kampala! It is really true what they say on the VisitUganda web site; Uganda has got very nice sunny and rainy weather. Sometimes even at the same time:)
The house in Kisubi is great. It's about an hour's drive from Kampala (depending on the traffic situation) only a few steps away from Lake Victoria. I am staying here together with Tormod who is going to be teaching at St. Josephs. Our nearest neighbours are a printing press and some nuns. And at the moment we have police guards at the gate because they are printing the school exams here.
On Saturday I went for my first drive on Ugandan roads; I was stopped by traffic police after about 150 m, not I don't think due to any strange driving behaviour on my part-however, driving here is a bit like being in a video game, and it's a full time job trying to avoid other cars, people,bodas, chickens,goats, more people, hippogriffs and who knows what else, so following traffic regualtions is really the last thing on your mind. Sometimes the best strategy is to close your eyes and cross your fingers. I think perhaps that was my passanger Tormod's strategy. I kept my eyes open. Most of the time.
Tomorrow I move to Kings College Budo for a few days. To get to know my way around there as well. And soon it's time to start working:)
Ah! bloggen din! supert Linn, her kan vi snakkes ofte :)
SvarSlett...og over til hverdagen, fellesmøte i auditoriet i dag.
Hilde :)
fantastisk!! ei ny kringle!
SvarSlettHåper at makken i tåa tar til vettet og krabber ut igjen.
Her er det cold and sunny at the same time, ellers er alt strålende.
Gleder meg til neste update!!
be safe! klem
Flott som fjell i Afrika med andre ord :) så bra, savner deg her hjemme er godt å se at du har bedre tid enn tidligere til å oppdatere oss på livet i utlandet..hehe...det blir vel frem til en viss klatrer kommer ned hvertfall :)
SvarSlettHer er det syk Ask og trøtt ser ut til at han er på bedringens vei nå..og det er bra, siden det er bursdagsfeiring her både lørdag og søndag..phu kakebaking i morgo :)
kos deg videre og kjør forsiktig - selv om du har begynnt å bli vant med bilkjøringen..hihi mailes snart...
og du har jo fått farge allerede jo...brun og blid på alle bilder ;)